Say BYE to Student Loan Debt

BYE Student Loan Debt is an exciting book and interactive website to help students and graduates eliminate their debt!

Project Overview:  
 you one of the 43 million Americans with student loan debt? Do you know others affected by student loan debt? Would you like to get rid of this burden quickly and efficiently? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone and this project is for you!
This project consists of an interactive e-reader friendly book called BYE Student Debt that outlines a simple and easy to follow action plan to eliminate your student loan debt, no matter what the circumstances. The book is linked to an interactive online website ( which will consist of tools and educational materials designed to assist with the action plan outlined in the book. Together, this interactive website and book will give you the tools to say BYE to your student loan debt!  
Of the students in advanced or secondary degrees, like doctors, more than half have over $100,000 in student loan debt and more than 30% have over $200,000 in debt! Year after year, these statistics continue to rise; making a terrifying situation for many students.


Our inspiration for this project is based on our personal experiences with student debt. Dan and his wife, Meghan, did the exact same schooling and together had 15 years of secondary education. Together they had over $150,000 of debt (with interest). Ross similarly has over $50,000 of debt in which he is now using the same principles to aggressively eliminate his loans. Together, we wanted to share our experiences and lessons we've learned to help ALLstudents quickly and efficiently eliminate their student debt.
We are seeking $5,000 in this project, to be used in the following manner:
  • Software programming expenses to develop and finalize all online interactive functionality of our website calculator tools 
  • Finalize all artwork associated with branding, book cover, and website graphics
  • Develop an ibook and e-reader friendly version of the book
  • Place initial hard-copy book orders

Project Timeline  

Most of our awards will be delivered in the early fall, but some will be provided immediately upon completion of the Kickstarter campaign. We expect our project to be completed by the end of 2019!
Say BYE to Student Loan Debt Say BYE to Student Loan Debt Reviewed by Naijabase on February 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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